Supernatural Revival

The kingdom of heaven is near. The kingdom of heaven is here.

I have been on yet another amazing journey. Relizing that I am finally finished with my 9 month desert and moving into the promise land. When i came home from africa, God told me to get rid of 3/4 of my stuff and to clean my car. My car being cleaned, and my room almost done. God confirmed a trip for me and Randi to Canmore Alberta. I beautiful valley town nestled in the Rockies. There is Revival in the hills. Pouring into this place. We have a friend Ross here also that we were going to visit. We knew with out a doubt that we needed to be here. The first night at jamies house Holy Spirit came and smoked us all. Jamie is a beautiful worship leader, and after some sponatious worship, the holy spirit was moving through us all. God confirmed so many things to me through prophetic word. The second night, was the meeting night at Jackies house. People from calagary come out, people from all over Canmore, to just usher in the Holy Spirit and seek God. WOW. God rocked my world. Like right off the axle. I have had so so so many answers to prayers that i have been crying out for a long time. I've release things to him. He did a deep healing on my heart. It was a huge Holy Spirit playground.

But what i want to say is, its not about me. Gods spirit is alive and moving in huge ways. He's right there always, waiting. Waiting for his people to call on him and welcome him into there lives and "programs". God is abolishing religion. Destroying agenda's and programs made by humans. We need to get on our faces and beg for mercy after taking it into our own hands. Thinking that we can actually do something on our own, touch people on our own. God touches people. God changes hearts. God transforms hearts souls and minds. Holy Spirit is here to make it all real, to make it relevent, to take you to the next level. To give you all the power you need to continue in this life. Not just continue, not just survive, or get by, but to live for something bigger. Live for something other than yourself. Live for a cause, live to make change. Live to see miracles, signs and wonders. There is a huge move coming. A huge wave of revival. I can feel it. And it's not going to look like anything you think. God is moving beyond our human condition. Moving outside the box we as a church have locked him in. Imprisoning him in agenda's, prorams, ministries, schedules. He's breaking it down and taking it back to his agenda. Holy Spirit is going to start moving and shaking the broken foundations down. Destroying all that is ready to crumble. Everything that is not build on a solid foundation will fall. All that is built upon the rock is going to flourish, its going to grow and recieve power. Holy Spirit power is going to be ushered in. Empowering us beyond our confines. All for the glory of god. People are going to be healed, miraculous healing, deep healings. things that would normally take months will be completed in weeks. Devine impartations and downloads of wisdom and knowledge. Leaders are being built up. Strong hold are flaking away. Army's are in training, soldiers of the spirit. To tear away the strongholds of this world, and build the kingdom of heaven on earth.

I pray that Holy Spirit would fill you right now, that by the power of God you would be filled. I pray God would reveal to you, your role in the revival. Your roal in the revolution. I speak to the strongholds in your life and declare them GONE. Freedom reign in your body. Freedom reign in your spirit. You are ready to be all that you are called to be. STOP SETTLING. STOP CONFORMING, seek god and follow him with all you have. Nothing else is worth it.


Ok, WOW!!
God is so amazing! I am loving being home. God has been pouring out his spirit on me, and growing me in ways I have been yearning and praying for, for a while! Coming out of the desert and into the promise land! Thank you lord!!
So just a little testimony for you!
I've come home to debt, because of travelling and spending. I prayed this morning on the way to the bank, that God would have me covered in paying all that i owe back to my mom. I went to the ACTS office, and they gave me a bonus!! THEN, i got to the bank and i have WAY more in my bank account than i thought. THEN i check the balance on my visa and it is SIGNIFICANLY less than i thought, like 3,000 dollars less than i thought!!! (My mom may have paid it, i havn't talked to her yet) But none the less, i was BLOWN away. On the way home i relized my tank was on empty, even emptier that it was last time i filled. I fill my tank and pay, and my gas was 10 dollars CHEAPER than when i filled last!! PRAISE GOD!!!
So yeah, god is encouraging my faith for sure! I'm going to break even!! Yahoo! I applied for a student loan today, but I am believing that I am going to be able to give that money right back to the government!! And, I believe that Randi and I's road trip is going to be provided for!
I attended a few sessions of a healing crusade with Randi. Mark Davey was speaking. Last night it was all about Language of Faith. Speaking what you know to be true from what the bible says, hooking up your believer with your speaker, not you feeler or your thinker with your speaker. The power of words! It was rad. I need to hear that again! I want to tell you more, but i gotta run now, so i will tell you more later!
You are all amazing and beautifully created individuals. Every one who reads this and even those who don't. Have renewed hope, cause the God of this world is sufficient, hes is able, he is so much more than you could think or ask for, and he is right inside you!!
I LOVE YOU, talk to you soon!

Happy to be home!


Just thought I should let you know, my home dates were vauge to alot of you cause I was keeping it a secret from my sister! My mom picked me up in Vancouver, and told my sister she was going to a meeting, the next day she (we) met her at the mall in Naniamo with her Dad cause she was picking out a Jr. Grad dress. While she was in a change room and just came and stood there. When she came out, she did a double take, screamed, and ran and jumped on me, crying and giving me the biggest hug ever...."MELANIE WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!" she screams. She had NO clue what so ever.... it was awesome. DANIELLE I LOVE YOU AND SO HAPPY TO BE HOME WITH YOU!! (I LOVE YOU TO ALL MY FAMILY...dont feel left out...haha)

Canadian Luxery

Wow, is all I have to say. Canada is amazing. Truly amazing and I am so so so happy and blessed to be home. Hot showers, toasters, kettles, pillow top mattress's', movies, couches, WASHER AND DRYER, flushing toilets, and I can drink the water in the shower and while brushing my teeth...the list goes on. Its great to be back here on the Wet Coast. I am wearing two pairs of socks at the moment, and just had a hot shower. My mom told be I was coming home to hot weather, I guess I scared it away.
So far, I have been getting over jet lag. Resting in my home with a deep appreciation that I have never known for everything I have. When I close my eyes, I still see Africa. Rolling green hill, banana plantations, red earth, children in dirty tattered clothes, with water jugs on there heads and in their hands. I see myself walking through the plantations. I see the endless beauty of Africa constantly flashing in my mind. The faces of all the friends I have made. The stories of people, of survival, triumph, life, struggle, things I have never known and never will know. I am so thankful for all Africa has taught me. The land and its people give wisdom.
Africa taught me innumerable lessons. Lessons of endurance, perseverance, struggle, hope, faith, love, friendship, truth, and patience. Being stripped of my western comforts and my western excuses into a world that is just as you see it. Simplicity at its best. Days consist of basic survival. Food and water, God and faith. Time in Africa almost seizes to exist. Things happen and progress when they are ready, whenever that may be. No one knows how long it will take, and it doesn't matter. It's not a concern.
I have learned to take it take it one day at a time. To let God be God, and to trust in him for every moment. I have by no means mastered these things, but I am definitely a world more aware. For now, I am definitely still processing. But for the record, I of course feel different. Being home is definitely showing me areas of my heart that I didn't even realized had been touched and changed. Patterns of thinking and doing, transformed. I have nothing to complain about. I have too much stuff in my house. I need to get rid of allot. If anyone needs anything, maybe I have one. If so, consider it yours!

I'll keep posting on my home experiences and all that I am learning and have learned. Thanks for coming on the journey with me!

Love mel

HOME.....sweet home.

Wow, is all i can say. I arrived home to Vancouver Island. It is so incredibly beautiful here. Way more beautiful than i left it. I cried being in my home again. We have such a beautiful home. Natasha cooked some delicious vegetable curry and muffins that smelled and tasted devine. My Aunt, Cousin and Grandmother came by to see me, as well as my beloved friend Randi. We just chilled and talked and it was good. So good.

I just want you all to know that i am home, i am really jetlagged, but that will be over soon. I need to sleep, but i will definately keep you posted on what's next. For now, just know that i am filled with an amazing peace of coming home that i have never known before.

I am blessed. So incredibly blessed.

Love Melanie