Ok, heres some pictures.

It takes alot of time to organize the pictures with words with this internet connection. I can't emphasize how unrelyable it is. Im sorry that i didnt explain the last batch, so i will try and give you the low down on these ones in a brief "pre summery" if you will.

1. Flowers - these were flowers that were laid on one of the mass burial sites at the jenocide memorial museum in Kigali.

2. Butterfly - saw this at one of the widows meetings

3. Kids in street - some cute boys playing soccer in the street out back of Hotel Castel in Kigali where we stayed

4. Cows - see these all over the place, side of the road, in the streets, huge horns, these ones where in a field while driving to rwanda

5. Grave - one of the mass burial sites was open, you could see right in, piles of coffins, all jammed in there, it smelled very musty

I have more to post, a batch sayed uploaded, but didn't appear.

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