Playing in God's saftey net!

WOW WOW WOW!!! Ok, so I need to give you an update on lots of stuff that has been going on, but just a quick one. My road trip to Canmore was amazing, and God did some serious rooting out in my heart. Healing, and revelation, he plucked me out of the desert and dropped me right into the middle of a crazy amazing ocean of GOODNESS! God has been so faithful in what he told me about coming home. I had a prophecy over me, before leaving africa, that God was going to have people and things in place to guide me into the next step. That i needn't worry cause he's got his hand moving!! Well, its so true he has been clearly guiding me everyday, one step at a time! I felt led to another school (other than the professional photography program at NIC that i am accepted for), in Redding California, the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Some super rad chicks I met in Canmore, Laura and her sister Jaimee told me tons about it. Really the second they started talking about it, my spirit came alive, it was like twitching inside me...DING DING DING....!! I continued talking to them, and looked it up on the web, and just KNEW that I needed to apply. I got a call after returning home for a phone interview on July 11th, last wednesday. I had my phone interview, and yesterday morning Tracie called me from the Bethel!! I wasn't there when she called though, and so she left a message. I called her back, and left her a message, and so I thought I would just check my status online cause you can do that. And well when I logged in, the whole thing had changed into a STUDENT profile!!! YAY!! I was and am so stoked! So looks like I will be moving to Redding california this september, maybe late August to go to school!!

You check out more on the school here:

Last night I had the opportunity to share at my friends Sarah's Church's campout at Camp Selah in Courtenay. It was really amazing, sharing what God has done in her life and mine, and our lives together! I shared like my WHOLE testimony up untill that day! It was really awesome. They prayed for me after too, about the whole school thing and more, I was so blessed, to be prayed for and just let my testimony be an encouragment to all of them. A woman recieved some seriously cool pictures for me too! More and more confirmation!
Let this be an encouragement to you, that God is so beyond our thinking. I never thought I would be going to this school! God is so beyond US! He will use anything to guide you, speak to you, love you. He can show you things through his spirit, WAY better than you could ever find it on your own. So please, draw close to God's spirit. Draw close to him in everything, and ask for more! Ask for the desires of your heart, cause he IS faithful to give them to you! Not always right away the way you think it will happen, but he will pour it out! In a greater measure than you would ever think!



God is transforming me. God is answering my cry's. God moving in my life. God is so much bigger than my circumstance. God has my trust. God is real. God is relevent. God is loving. God is unconditional. God forgives my sin. God pours his mercy on me. God affirms me. God is for me and not against me. God is lifting me up. God is shifting my world. God is opening my eyes. God is speaking to me always. God is right beside me, right inside me. God lives in me. God's spirit is guiding me. God's spirit never leaves me. God is stirring me up. God is lighting an unquentiable fire. God is taking me deeper. God is breaking shaky foundations. God is building my life upon him. God is the best. God knows everything about me. God knows where I am going. God knows my future. God forgets my past. God is my everything. God has my everything. God take my everything. God is all I need. God leaves no stone unturned. God see's every corner of my heart. God loves me for me. God is in love with me. God is growing revival in my spirit. God is giving me an undying hunger. God is faithful. God is good. God is good. God is good. God is good all the time. God is here. God is now. God is never going away.

Thank you God.

A point of no return.

I've reached a point of no return.

Where I know I am going forward,

And theres a line upon which,

I will never go back.

Ive reached a point of no return.

Where my heart is chasing after more,

And the world is screaming less,

I will never go back.

Ive reached a point of no return.

Where I know I have to live different,

And there is no way to be the same,

I will never go back.

Ive reached a point of no return.

Where my Spirit is set on something higher,

And hell tries to drag it down,

I will never go back.

Ive reached a point of no return,

Where I am what I believe,

And there is nothing else that makes sense,

I will never go back.

Supernatural Revival

The kingdom of heaven is near. The kingdom of heaven is here.

I have been on yet another amazing journey. Relizing that I am finally finished with my 9 month desert and moving into the promise land. When i came home from africa, God told me to get rid of 3/4 of my stuff and to clean my car. My car being cleaned, and my room almost done. God confirmed a trip for me and Randi to Canmore Alberta. I beautiful valley town nestled in the Rockies. There is Revival in the hills. Pouring into this place. We have a friend Ross here also that we were going to visit. We knew with out a doubt that we needed to be here. The first night at jamies house Holy Spirit came and smoked us all. Jamie is a beautiful worship leader, and after some sponatious worship, the holy spirit was moving through us all. God confirmed so many things to me through prophetic word. The second night, was the meeting night at Jackies house. People from calagary come out, people from all over Canmore, to just usher in the Holy Spirit and seek God. WOW. God rocked my world. Like right off the axle. I have had so so so many answers to prayers that i have been crying out for a long time. I've release things to him. He did a deep healing on my heart. It was a huge Holy Spirit playground.

But what i want to say is, its not about me. Gods spirit is alive and moving in huge ways. He's right there always, waiting. Waiting for his people to call on him and welcome him into there lives and "programs". God is abolishing religion. Destroying agenda's and programs made by humans. We need to get on our faces and beg for mercy after taking it into our own hands. Thinking that we can actually do something on our own, touch people on our own. God touches people. God changes hearts. God transforms hearts souls and minds. Holy Spirit is here to make it all real, to make it relevent, to take you to the next level. To give you all the power you need to continue in this life. Not just continue, not just survive, or get by, but to live for something bigger. Live for something other than yourself. Live for a cause, live to make change. Live to see miracles, signs and wonders. There is a huge move coming. A huge wave of revival. I can feel it. And it's not going to look like anything you think. God is moving beyond our human condition. Moving outside the box we as a church have locked him in. Imprisoning him in agenda's, prorams, ministries, schedules. He's breaking it down and taking it back to his agenda. Holy Spirit is going to start moving and shaking the broken foundations down. Destroying all that is ready to crumble. Everything that is not build on a solid foundation will fall. All that is built upon the rock is going to flourish, its going to grow and recieve power. Holy Spirit power is going to be ushered in. Empowering us beyond our confines. All for the glory of god. People are going to be healed, miraculous healing, deep healings. things that would normally take months will be completed in weeks. Devine impartations and downloads of wisdom and knowledge. Leaders are being built up. Strong hold are flaking away. Army's are in training, soldiers of the spirit. To tear away the strongholds of this world, and build the kingdom of heaven on earth.

I pray that Holy Spirit would fill you right now, that by the power of God you would be filled. I pray God would reveal to you, your role in the revival. Your roal in the revolution. I speak to the strongholds in your life and declare them GONE. Freedom reign in your body. Freedom reign in your spirit. You are ready to be all that you are called to be. STOP SETTLING. STOP CONFORMING, seek god and follow him with all you have. Nothing else is worth it.


Ok, WOW!!
God is so amazing! I am loving being home. God has been pouring out his spirit on me, and growing me in ways I have been yearning and praying for, for a while! Coming out of the desert and into the promise land! Thank you lord!!
So just a little testimony for you!
I've come home to debt, because of travelling and spending. I prayed this morning on the way to the bank, that God would have me covered in paying all that i owe back to my mom. I went to the ACTS office, and they gave me a bonus!! THEN, i got to the bank and i have WAY more in my bank account than i thought. THEN i check the balance on my visa and it is SIGNIFICANLY less than i thought, like 3,000 dollars less than i thought!!! (My mom may have paid it, i havn't talked to her yet) But none the less, i was BLOWN away. On the way home i relized my tank was on empty, even emptier that it was last time i filled. I fill my tank and pay, and my gas was 10 dollars CHEAPER than when i filled last!! PRAISE GOD!!!
So yeah, god is encouraging my faith for sure! I'm going to break even!! Yahoo! I applied for a student loan today, but I am believing that I am going to be able to give that money right back to the government!! And, I believe that Randi and I's road trip is going to be provided for!
I attended a few sessions of a healing crusade with Randi. Mark Davey was speaking. Last night it was all about Language of Faith. Speaking what you know to be true from what the bible says, hooking up your believer with your speaker, not you feeler or your thinker with your speaker. The power of words! It was rad. I need to hear that again! I want to tell you more, but i gotta run now, so i will tell you more later!
You are all amazing and beautifully created individuals. Every one who reads this and even those who don't. Have renewed hope, cause the God of this world is sufficient, hes is able, he is so much more than you could think or ask for, and he is right inside you!!
I LOVE YOU, talk to you soon!

Happy to be home!


Just thought I should let you know, my home dates were vauge to alot of you cause I was keeping it a secret from my sister! My mom picked me up in Vancouver, and told my sister she was going to a meeting, the next day she (we) met her at the mall in Naniamo with her Dad cause she was picking out a Jr. Grad dress. While she was in a change room and just came and stood there. When she came out, she did a double take, screamed, and ran and jumped on me, crying and giving me the biggest hug ever...."MELANIE WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!" she screams. She had NO clue what so ever.... it was awesome. DANIELLE I LOVE YOU AND SO HAPPY TO BE HOME WITH YOU!! (I LOVE YOU TO ALL MY FAMILY...dont feel left out...haha)

Canadian Luxery

Wow, is all I have to say. Canada is amazing. Truly amazing and I am so so so happy and blessed to be home. Hot showers, toasters, kettles, pillow top mattress's', movies, couches, WASHER AND DRYER, flushing toilets, and I can drink the water in the shower and while brushing my teeth...the list goes on. Its great to be back here on the Wet Coast. I am wearing two pairs of socks at the moment, and just had a hot shower. My mom told be I was coming home to hot weather, I guess I scared it away.
So far, I have been getting over jet lag. Resting in my home with a deep appreciation that I have never known for everything I have. When I close my eyes, I still see Africa. Rolling green hill, banana plantations, red earth, children in dirty tattered clothes, with water jugs on there heads and in their hands. I see myself walking through the plantations. I see the endless beauty of Africa constantly flashing in my mind. The faces of all the friends I have made. The stories of people, of survival, triumph, life, struggle, things I have never known and never will know. I am so thankful for all Africa has taught me. The land and its people give wisdom.
Africa taught me innumerable lessons. Lessons of endurance, perseverance, struggle, hope, faith, love, friendship, truth, and patience. Being stripped of my western comforts and my western excuses into a world that is just as you see it. Simplicity at its best. Days consist of basic survival. Food and water, God and faith. Time in Africa almost seizes to exist. Things happen and progress when they are ready, whenever that may be. No one knows how long it will take, and it doesn't matter. It's not a concern.
I have learned to take it take it one day at a time. To let God be God, and to trust in him for every moment. I have by no means mastered these things, but I am definitely a world more aware. For now, I am definitely still processing. But for the record, I of course feel different. Being home is definitely showing me areas of my heart that I didn't even realized had been touched and changed. Patterns of thinking and doing, transformed. I have nothing to complain about. I have too much stuff in my house. I need to get rid of allot. If anyone needs anything, maybe I have one. If so, consider it yours!

I'll keep posting on my home experiences and all that I am learning and have learned. Thanks for coming on the journey with me!

Love mel

HOME.....sweet home.

Wow, is all i can say. I arrived home to Vancouver Island. It is so incredibly beautiful here. Way more beautiful than i left it. I cried being in my home again. We have such a beautiful home. Natasha cooked some delicious vegetable curry and muffins that smelled and tasted devine. My Aunt, Cousin and Grandmother came by to see me, as well as my beloved friend Randi. We just chilled and talked and it was good. So good.

I just want you all to know that i am home, i am really jetlagged, but that will be over soon. I need to sleep, but i will definately keep you posted on what's next. For now, just know that i am filled with an amazing peace of coming home that i have never known before.

I am blessed. So incredibly blessed.

Love Melanie

Home sick!

Just so you know, I am still having SO much fun, but i miss you all at home alot! I am really excited to be on my way back soonish... Talk to you soon!

More wrap up!!

Adele and I at Pastor Johns.
Adele and Mel's last day together in Uganda.
Mel at KFC.
Pastor John.

Wrap up shots.

Adele at KFC.
Adele cutting hair.
Pastor Johns beautiful kids, douglas and Angel.
Angel, Mom and Faith! (It was her 11th Birthday)

East African Recap!

It's been a long dang time since I updated my blog with some substantial writing. I'm sorry. Backpacking around has proven to be a time consuming experience. A great time consuming experience, none the less. Well i am at Backpackers hostel right now, and the server is down, so it’s a great opportunity to type a blog without having to pay for each minute of internet. Now as the server is down, I really can't recall what I talked about last. How about a recap of the last two months? Ok, not that much... Haha. But I'll roll off some highlights!
Adele did a nice blog about our camping trip to Kiwayu Island, a 6-7 hour sail from Lamu, off the coast of Kenya. It was a beautiful isolated island with baobab tree's and white-ish sand and beautiful water! However, there were HUGE flipping bugs that flew at my face, and tried to burrow down my shirt as we set up our tent under the baobab tree. YUCK! They were like massive scratchy flying cockroaches! You could imagine my enthusiasm about that situation... Now the real excitement was in the sailing too and from. I was a little nervous about sailing in these beautiful handmade dhow boats, even though I have never been nervous about being out on the water at home. Maybe it's because at Christmas I got seasick and that has never happened to me. Maybe because the wind is SO powerful! You get these bursts of wind that fill the sails with such strength, pulling it forward, and tipping the boat at extreme angles. Now I also have not done all that much sailing so, the angles themselves I was not quite comfortable with. I asked the captain and the owner of the boat if they ever tip, and they said no, rarely. Other things cause sinking ships. He didn't elaborate on the "other things" much to my relief. I really don't like talking about things that could cause my death with sailing mishaps, while I am actually sailing. Along the way to Kiwayu we passed a dhow that was on its way down with just the top of the sail emerged and throng fishermen were swimming around frantically. I asked if we should help them, but as they were really close to shore, there was no need. We continued sailing up the coast to our petite tropical island destination at great speed due to the incredible wind strength that day! Just as I began to relax after witnessing the sinking ship, CRACK, the mast breaks! Holy crap! I start praying instantaneously. The boat was tipping left and right as the sail was whipping around in the wind, with the broken piece of mast swaying like a pendulum. My heart was racing, Adele and Maya (an American girl on the trip with us) were sitting at the front of the boat, after realizing what had happened, they scrambled to the back of the boat. Clasping together, we prayed and watched as the crew sprang and swung around the stern like monkeys to get the sail under control. They wrapped the sail around the erect piece of mast and lowered it as fast as they could. Whew! That was a near death experience. Mike, the Australian owner of the boat, looks at me and says, "Now that is how a dhow sinks!" "Oh my Lord," I thought to myself, "Thank you for my life!" Luckily we had an outboard motor on the boat. They got that sucker spinning and we were on our way again! They tied down the sail and we moved on. The crew started untying the sail and MacGyver-ed a new shorter one. They succeeded in the operation, strung up the new sail, pulled the lines and shoo, the wind filled the sail and we were kicking along again. We all relaxed, Mike, cracked a beer, took a sip and CRACK!! OH MY LANTA, the mast broke again. "Sweet Jesus," I prayed, "I DON'T WANT TO DIE". They dropped the sail down real quick, thanks to the day’s previous practice, and we continued with only the motor. We made it to Kiwayu without any further complications. Our time there was totally relaxing. We wished we had the guitar but got along without. They found a new mast on the island, and we were set for the cruise back. I was trying not to be nervous, with our preceding experience in the back of my mind. We stopped for a snorkel on the tip of the island. It was beautiful; I LOVE snorkeling! Went for a small walk up the beach and found a cave in the rock walled shore which was FULL of shells, beautiful. I collected some favorites and we headed back to the boat for the last leg of our journey. It was smooth sailing until, SCRAPE, we found ourselves perched atop coral reef. The boat was practically on its side. We had to gently rock it to release off the reef. I tell you after that, I was about ready to dive off and start swimming. My heart did not want anymore sailing catastrophes. Apart from the sailing adventure and almost losing our tent on the way over to Lamu, it proved to be the Island I grew to love from my original 4 days there at Christmas.
Next on the highlight list, Tanga, Tanzania! I loved Tanzania. As soon as we started to head down the coast, I felt a peace in my spirit, and an excitement for the next, and last leg of our journey. When we arrived in Tanga, a small costal town in northern TZ, Rasta David picked us up from the bus stop. Rasta David is the friend of my beloved friend Sarah Switzer, from back home. Sarah was a HUGE inspiration in my coming to Africa in the first place, as she had come to do work in Tanzania twice. So she hooked me up with all her awesome friends she made on her earlier visits. Rasta David was awesome!! So much fun, and a true Rasta man, with a membership card! He showed us around Tanga, and took us on a bike trip to the Amboli Caves. That was DEFINATELY one of my highlights, such a nice change from sitting in a bus. We rented some bikes, and cycled about an hour to the cave. It was BEAUTIFUL. I was in awe of the beauty of the land. We cycled road side through town; past markets, and homes, till we branched off on a dirt road through a village. It was one of my favorite experiences. I didn't even like the caves themselves that much with all the spiritual garbage that lived in there. On the way back to town we stopped at a local drinking hut for some local coconut liquor, aka, fermented, disgusting, thick, crap. It was awesome to sit with the local's and choke back a 200 shilling (17 cents) glass of the stuff, definitely more for the experience than the joy of drinking it, for sure. As we only had like two nights there and one day. That night we met up with another one of Sarah's friends, AJ. He was a super nice guy. Came to pick us up and took us to a restaurant for chicken and chips, The Harbor Bar, or something. He was really funny, and hospitable. After meeting such nice people, I really wanted to stay longer, but we couldn't. Oh well, it just added to my fire to come back. We left at 5:30 am for the first bus to Dar Es Salaam, the next morning.
Our bus broke down on the way to Dar, so we got to enjoy a one hour roadside break. We missed two ferries on the way to Zanzibar. But finally made it there by like 7pm, I think. I was SO happy to make it. Zanzibar was the one place that if I could only go one place in East Africa, that was where I wanted to go. We had dinner on the sea front, where there are about 40 tables of different food vendors to choose from. Zanzibar Pizza proved to be our favorite. A fried pastry, filled with spiced ground beef, vegetables, cheese, mayo and an egg (1000tzsh=85cents). That was our supper every night; accompanied with a DELICOUS glass of fresh squeezed sugar cane juice, splashed with ginger and lime (250tzsh=21cents)! YUMMY! The first day on Zanzibar we went on a Spice Tour. It was a boring morning of looking at how spices grew, most of which I lived in for the last 6 months, some were interesting, but not a lot. There were some really cute kids that tied all these neat grass rings and necklaces on us. Who later proved to be evil kids because they stole 100,000tzsh=85$ from me. I was not impressed when I discovered I'd been pick pocketed as I was trying buy some of they're dumb spices at the end. Sorry about the bitterness. No actually feel sorry for the poor bloke I caught picking my pocket the next night as Adele and I were leaving a concert. I must say I was not being a good Christian. I tore a strip off the guy among other things that I can't write about. If you care to know, ask me upon my return. Our day snorkeling trip to Prisoner Island was another grand highlight. The island was ABSOLUTLEY gorgeous, THE most turquoise water I have EVER seen, WHITE sand, shells, palms, it was a slice of heaven! Before we arrived we spent two hours snorkeling over huge reefs. I saw tons of amazing colorful fish that I don't know the names of, and have never seen before. On the island, sat an old "prison" that is a 5 star resort now, and giant turtles! The turtles were amazing. Some were 150 years old, with scars on their backs from trees falling on them in storms. The huge ones were up to my waist!! They were like dinosaurs! We lounged on the beach, eating mangos and papaya, soaking up the sun. I loved it. There is nothing else in the world that I would have rather have been doing than that. I bought a bubuey while I was on Zanzibar. I felt a huge urgency to get one, and so I did; a full black burka. I was covered from head to toe with only my eyes, hands and feet showing. I wore it most of the time we were on the coast, and as we traveled back to Arusha. It was truly amazing how much respect I got the second I put the thing on. It was SO nice to not be a constant spectacle and target. Whenever Adele and I walked around while I was wearing it, all the hassling stopped! Praise God! It was interesting for sure, and I feel like I will be using it in the future. The only comments I received a few times, were "mzungu ninja" and "white woman in a burka!" The later was from a white guy who approached me, and couldn't hold back. He says "Are you Muslim?" "No." I reply. "Where are you from?" "Canada." "What? Why are you wearing that?" I showed him my face and he was astounded, "A white woman in a burka." He wanted to show me to his friends, and announced me as "And this is a white woman in a burka" Haha, pretty funny.
After loading our bags on the bus to Arusha, and missing it, we caught the next bus a half hour behind. It was a pretty harmless journey of 9 hours, I'm getting used to a lot of driving; day trips to Victoria will be no problem! Amina, Sarah’s good friend from Arusha, picked us from the bus stop. They were SO nice and SO accommodating. She was married a year ago to a really nice man Kitanga, and they have a BEAUTIFUL baby girl Nadya! She cooked us delicious food, and helped us in everyway she could. We were SO blessed by their family. Kitanga is a guide on the Serengeti, and so he hooked us up with a great deal on a two day safari. We went to Lake Manyara (Spelling?) and Ngorongoro Crater! It was an awesome two days. Saw four of the Big Five, Rhino, Elephant, Hippo and Lion. We didn't see a Leopard. I did see one, however, when I was at Murchison Falls. The parks I have been blessed to visit have been absolutely breathtaking, beautiful, and plentiful animals.
We finally took the 40 hour bus journey back to Mbarara; I plowed through an AMAZING new book I bought called "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey. It’s about a 23 year old man who is completely addicted to drugs and alcohol. It’s his journey through rehab. A gripping book, I could not put it down. So now I have taken Adele to the airport to fly to Amsterdam. Now starts the next leg of our journey!

I have all my pictures to upload now, I will post them all after this blog, enjoy! There are almost 100!

Sse Sse Island

The sunset upon our arrival!

Sse Sse Islands

Adele at sunset.
Mel and Adele chillin' in the tent.
The beach!
The beach!
Our trusty tent! (Thanks dad!)

Sse Islands, Lake Victoria Uganda

Sunset flight.
Beach strollin.
Staying for a while.
This is the beach at our camp site.

Mombosa, Nairobi, Sse Sse

I was playing with toilet paper and the kitty...ooops (mombosa)
Adele, our english friend Andrew and I (Nairobi)
Streets of Nairobi.
Streets of Nairobi.
Holy candy anyone? (sse sse islands)


Sunset Kiwayu
Sunset Kiwayu!
Adele at our sunset dip!
Sunset dip with mel!
Adele and Mel sunset dipping!


My cute adele.
Thats our tent and the beach....CLOSE!
Under the baobab tree!
Adele and I.
Adele smashing garlic!

Dhow trip to Kiwayu

Octopus for lunch!
On the Dhow
Short snorkel stop, thats the the reef.
Snorkel stop on the point of Kiwayu.
Our crew member Baji.

Tanga, Dhowing in Lamu!

AJ, Sarahs friend, and I.
Adele and I on our dhow trip to Kiwayu.
Short beach stop en route to Kiwayu.
Fishing boats.
More net fishing in the Indian Ocean.